The Effect of Jigsaw Technique on Students' Learning in Clinical Microscopy.

The Effect of Jigsaw Technique on Students' Learning in Clinical Microscopy.

Submitted by casnova1 on Thu, 09/24/2020 - 15:51
ชื่อผู้แต่งภาษาอังกฤษ (Author)
Miss Saruda Kuraeiad
ชื่อผู้แต่งภาษาไทย (Author)
อาจารย์ศรุดา คุระเอียด
Saruda Kuraeiad
อัปโหลด (Upload)
ปีที่พิมพ์ (Year)
คำอธิบาย (Description)

In the past, the clinical microscopy subject was taught in the traditional method. Student was taught by lecture- and textbook­based teaching in which an instructor delivers knowledge in one way communication. It has a lot of limitations: knowledge is limited, lack interactivity, lack collaboration (Lodhiya, 2019). The Jigsaw technique is a one form of cooperative learning method that utilizes peer teaching, promotes collaborative learning (Goolsarran, 2020). This technique helps to improve learning, solve a problem and complete a task (Laal, 2014). Therefore, Jigsaw technique should be applied in the clinical microscopy subject. 

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