Chemistry in everyday life: Integration of basic knowledge and real life

Chemistry in everyday life: Integration of basic knowledge and real life

Submitted by casnova1 on Wed, 07/10/2019 - 10:23
ชื่อผู้แต่งภาษาอังกฤษ (Author)
Dr.Sujittra Poorahong
ชื่อผู้แต่งภาษาไทย (Author)
อาจารย์ ดร.สุจิตรา ภู่ระหงษ์
Sujittra Poorahong
อัปโหลด (Upload)
ปีที่พิมพ์ (Year)
คำอธิบาย (Description)

Chemistry is one of most discipline that the first year students in many majors are being asked to take. It is sometimes asked whether students need to learn the material to which they are being exposed. Besides, sometimes students wonder why do they need to learn basic chemistry in the university again. Even if in the future they will be nurse, public health officer or pharmacist. Therefore the chemistry in everyday life activity is created. To allow the students to sit and think what do they learn in the class and how that knowledge is related and can be useful in their real-life.

คำสำคัญ (Keyword)

Chemistry, Real life, Integration, Engagement

สาขาวิชา (Major)
UKPSF (รุ่นที่)