The integration process of experiential learning, coaching, and positive development for developing the competency and pride in the profession of nursing students

The integration process of experiential learning, coaching, and positive development for developing the competency and pride in the profession of nursing students

Submitted by casnova1 on Tue, 07/09/2019 - 11:44
ชื่อผู้แต่งภาษาอังกฤษ (Author)
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Saifon Akwarangkoon
ชื่อผู้แต่งภาษาไทย (Author)
รศ.ดร.สายฝน เอกวรางกูร
Saifon Akwarangkoon
อัปโหลด (Upload)
ปีที่พิมพ์ (Year)
คำอธิบาย (Description)

Nursing students fear, uncertainty, and mistrust in psychiatric clients. They also unsafe in the learning process that effects the learning outcomes.

คำสำคัญ (Keyword)

Experiential learning, coaching, Relect, Apply, Analyze, Synthesize

สาขาวิชา (Major)
UKPSF (รุ่นที่)